PGraphics buf; int PUZSIZE = 300; int PIECESIZE = 100; Piece currentPiece = null; ArrayList flakes; ArrayList glows; ArrayList buildings; float[] snowHeight = new float[PUZSIZE]; ArrayList pieces; void keyPressed(){ if(key == ' '){ reset(); } } void reset(){ buildings = new ArrayList(); flakes = new ArrayList(); glows = new ArrayList(); addBuildings(); float h = PUZSIZE-10; for(int i = 0; i < PUZSIZE;i++){ snowHeight[i] = h; h += random(-1,1); if(h >= PUZSIZE) h--; } float o = (width-PUZSIZE) /2; pieces = new ArrayList(); for(int x = 0; x < 3;x++){ for(int y = 0; y < 3; y++){ pieces.add(new Piece(x*PIECESIZE,y*PIECESIZE, o +x*PIECESIZE, o+y*PIECESIZE )); } } // pieces.add(new Piece(0,0)); } void setup(){ size(500,500); reset(); buf = createGraphics(PUZSIZE,PUZSIZE,JAVA2D); Flake f = new Flake(PUZSIZE/2); f.y = 75; flakes.add(f); } void draw(){ background(128); if(random(1) < .15){ flakes.add(new Flake(random(PUZSIZE))); } drawSnowOffscreen(); stroke(0); strokeWeight(1); float o = (width-PUZSIZE) /2; for(int x = 0; x < 4;x++){ float ox = o+ (x*PIECESIZE); line(ox,o,ox,o+PIECESIZE*3); } for(int y = 0; y < 4; y++){ float oy = o+ (y*PIECESIZE); line(o,oy,o+PIECESIZE*3,oy); } Piece ph = findPiece(mouseX,mouseY) ; if(ph != null){ ph.hilite = true; } Iterator i = pieces.iterator(); while(i.hasNext()){ Piece p = (Piece); p.draw(); p.hilite = false; } ArrayList glowsToKill = new ArrayList(); i = glows.iterator(); while(i.hasNext()){ Glow g = (Glow); if(g.draw()){ glowsToKill.add(g); } } for(Glow g : glowsToKill){ glows.remove(g); } } void mouseMoved(){ } float mxo,myo; void mousePressed(){ Piece ph = findPiece(mouseX,mouseY) ; if(ph != null){ currentPiece = ph; mxo = mouseX - ph.x; myo = mouseY - ph.y; } } void mouseDragged(){ if(currentPiece != null){ currentPiece.x = mouseX - mxo; currentPiece.y = mouseY - myo; } } void mouseReleased(){ if(currentPiece != null){ if(currentPiece.checkSettle()){ Iterator i = pieces.iterator(); boolean allDone = true; while(i.hasNext()){ Piece p = (Piece); if(!p.isThere()){ allDone = false; } } if(allDone) { float o = (width-PUZSIZE) /2; glows.add(new Glow(o,o,3*PIECESIZE)); } else { glows.add(new Glow(currentPiece.x,currentPiece.y,PIECESIZE)); } } } } class Glow { float x,y,sz; float life = 255; Glow(float x, float y, float sz){ this.x=x; this.y=y;; } boolean draw(){ if(life <= 0) { return true; //done } noStroke(); fill(255,life); rect(x,y,sz,sz); life -= 10; return false; } } Piece findPiece(float x, float y){ //gotta be backwards int i; for(i = pieces.size() - 1; i >=0; i--){ Piece p = (Piece)pieces.get(i); if(p.pointInside(x,y)){ return p; } } return null; } class Piece{ float x,y;//place on board int xo,yo; //, place grabbed from offscreen float gx,gy; //goal x and y Piece(int xo,int yo, float gx, float gy){ this.xo = xo; this.yo = yo; x = random(width-PIECESIZE); y = random(height-PIECESIZE); this.gx = gx; = gy; //next two lines would solve it ;-) // x = gx; y = gy; } boolean hilite; boolean pointInside(float mx,float my){ if(mx >= x && mx < x + PIECESIZE && my >= y && my < y + PIECESIZE){ return true; } return false; } boolean isThere(){ return x == gx && y == gy; } boolean checkSettle(){ if(mag(x-gx,y-gy) < 20){ x = gx; y = gy; return true; } return false; } void draw(){ PImage img = buf.get(xo,yo,PIECESIZE,PIECESIZE); image(img,x,y); if(hilite){ stroke(255,0,0); strokeWeight(1); noFill(); rect(x-1,y-1,PIECESIZE,PIECESIZE); } } } class Building{ float w; float h; color c; float x; void draw(){ buf.noStroke(); buf.fill(c); buf.rect(x,300-h,w,h); float winwidth = w / ((wincount *2)+1); int num = 0; for(float start = 300 - h + 6; start < 300; start+= (winheight*2)){ for(int i = 0; i < wincount; i++){ if(lit[num]){ buf.fill(128,128,0); } else { buf.fill(50); } buf.rect( x + (winwidth * (1+(2* i))),start,winwidth,winheight); num++; } } } int wincount; boolean lit[]; float winheight = 12; void initWindows(){ wincount = 3; if(w < 32) { wincount = 2; } if(w > 48){ wincount = 4; } int floorcount = ceil(h / (winheight*2)); lit = new boolean[floorcount * wincount]; for(int i = 0; i < floorcount * wincount; i++){ if(random(1) < .25){ lit[i] = true; } } } } void addBuildings(){ float x = 5; float w = random(40,60); while(x + w < 350){ Building b = new Building(); b.x = x; b.w = w; b.h = random (150,300); b.c = color(random(128,200)); b.initWindows(); buildings.add(b); x += w + random(8,20); w = random(40,60); } } void drawBuildingsOffscreen(){ Iterator i = buildings.iterator(); while(i.hasNext()){ Building b = (Building); b.draw(); } } void drawSnowOffscreen(){ buf.beginDraw(); buf.background(50,50,128); drawBuildingsOffscreen(); ArrayList flakesToKill = new ArrayList(); Iterator i = flakes.iterator(); while(i.hasNext()){ Flake f = (Flake); if(f.move()) flakesToKill.add(f); f.draw(); } for(Flake f : flakesToKill){ flakes.remove(f); } /*for(int s = 0; s < PUZSIZE; s++){ buf.strokeWeight(2); buf.stroke(255); // buf.line(s,snowHeight[s],s,PUZSIZE); }*/ buf.fill(255); buf.rect(0,PUZSIZE*19/20,PUZSIZE,PUZSIZE/20); buf.endDraw(); } static float FLAKESIZE = 6; class Flake{ float y; int x; float a = 0; float rot = random(-.05,.05); Flake(float x){ this.x = (int)x; this.y = -FLAKESIZE; } //returns true if landed boolean move(){ a += rot; y += .5; if(y > snowHeight[x]){ snowHeight[x]-= 1; if(x-1 >= 0){ snowHeight[x-1]-= .5; } if(x+1 < PUZSIZE){ snowHeight[x+1]-= .5; } return true; } return false; } void draw(){ buf.strokeWeight(1); buf.stroke(255); buf.pushMatrix(); buf.translate(x,y); buf.rotate(a); for(int i = 0; i < 3; i++){ buf.line(0,-FLAKESIZE,0,FLAKESIZE); buf.rotate(PI/3); } buf.popMatrix(); } }