int BLANKID = 8; PGraphics buf; float PIECESIZE = 500/3; ArrayList pieces = new ArrayList(); Piece blank; Tree t1 = new Tree(360,50,120); Tree t2 = new Tree(200,160,260); Piece moving; float move_current; float msx,msy,mex,mey; int SHUFSIZE = 35; int shuffleToDo = SHUFSIZE; void setup(){ frameRate(30); size(500,500); buf = createGraphics(500,500,JAVA2D); //buf.fill(255); //buf.noStroke(); //buf.rect(0,0,250,250); drawScene(); for(int i = 0; i < 8; i++){ pieces.add(new Piece(i)); } blank = new Piece(BLANKID); pieces.add(blank); } void reset(){ shuffleToDo += SHUFSIZE; } void keyPressed(){ if (key == ' '){ shuffleToDo += SHUFSIZE; } } void draw(){ if(shuffleToDo > 0){ randomMove(); shuffleToDo --; } //println("2"); drawScene(); background(0); if(moving!=null){ if(move_current < 1.0){ = lerp(msx,mex,move_current); = lerp(msy,mey,move_current); // print(" "); move_current += .16; }else { moving.moving = false; moving = null; } } Iterator i = pieces.iterator(); while(i.hasNext()){ Piece p = (Piece); p.draw(); } } void randomMove(){ int bx = spotToXcoord(blank.curspot); int by = spotToYcoord(blank.curspot); int x = -2; int y = -2; while(! ((x == bx && (y == by - 1 || y == by + 1)) || (y == by && (x == bx - 1 || x == bx + 1)) )){ x = int(random(3)); y = int(random(3)); } int where = x + (y*3); Piece p = findPieceBySpot(where); if(p != null){ p.curspot = blank.curspot; blank.curspot = where; } } void mousePressed(){ if(moving != null){ return; } int x = (int)(mouseX / PIECESIZE); int y = (int)(mouseY / PIECESIZE); if(x < 0 || x > 2 || y < 0 || y > 2) return; int bx = spotToXcoord(blank.curspot); int by = spotToYcoord(blank.curspot); if((x == bx && (y == by - 1 || y == by + 1)) || (y == by && (x == bx - 1 || x == bx + 1)) ){ int where = x + (y*3); Piece p = findPieceBySpot(where); if(p != null){ //starting and stopping of peice... msx = x * PIECESIZE; msy = y * PIECESIZE; mex = bx * PIECESIZE; mey = by * PIECESIZE; move_current = 0.0; moving = p; p.curspot = blank.curspot; blank.curspot = where; p.moving=true; } } } Piece findPieceBySpot(int spot){ Iterator i = pieces.iterator(); while(i.hasNext()){ Piece p = (Piece); if(p.curspot == spot){ return p; } } return null; } class Tree { float x,y; float MINSIZE = width/10; float MAXSIZE = width / 5; float WIDTH,HEIGHT; float xs; ArrayList ornaments = new ArrayList(); //float stroke ; Tree(float x, float y, float basesize){ this.x = x; this.y = y; WIDTH = basesize * (.5 + norm(y,0,500)); // basesize * random(.8,1.2); HEIGHT = basesize *( .5 + norm(y,0,500)); ; //stroke = basesize / 5; xs = 4*(.1 + norm(getBottom(),0,500)); //int c = Math.round(random(3,8)); addOrnament(1/7.0,0); for(int i = 2; i <= 4; i++){ addOrnament(i/7.0,-1); addOrnament(i/7.0,1); } for(int i = 5; i <= 6; i++){ addOrnament(i/7.0,-1); addOrnament(i/7.0,.1); addOrnament(i/7.0,1); } } void addOrnament(float yper, boolean side){ float oy = (-HEIGHT*.5) + (yper * (1.5 * HEIGHT)); float xper = random(.3,1); if(side != 0) xper *= side; float ox = xper * yper * .75 * WIDTH; ornaments.add(new Ornament(ox,oy)); } void draw(){ buf.strokeWeight(10); buf.stroke(0); doTrunk(); buf.noStroke(); doTrunk(); buf.stroke(0); doGreen(); buf.noStroke(); doGreen(); Iterator i = ornaments.iterator(); while(i.hasNext()){ Ornament o = (Ornament); buf.strokeWeight(6); buf.stroke(0); buf.fill(o.c); buf.ellipse(x+o.x,y+o.y,WIDTH/5,WIDTH/5); buf.noStroke(); buf.ellipse(x+o.x,y+o.y,WIDTH/5,WIDTH/5); } } float getBottom(){ return y+HEIGHT*1.5; } void doTrunk(){ buf.fill(128,64,0); buf.rect(x -WIDTH*.075,y+HEIGHT*.5,WIDTH*.15,HEIGHT); } void doGreen(){ buf.fill(0,200,0); //upper mytri(-HEIGHT*.5, 0, WIDTH*.35); //middle mytri(-HEIGHT*.35,HEIGHT*.5,WIDTH*.55); //lower mytri(-HEIGHT*.2,HEIGHT,-WIDTH*.75); } void mytri(float topOffset, float botOffset, float widthOffset){ buf.triangle(x,y+topOffset,x - widthOffset,y+botOffset,x+widthOffset, y+botOffset); } } class Ornament{ float x,y; color c; Ornament(float x, float y){ this.x = x; this.y = y; this.c = color(random(128,255),random(128,255),random(128,255)); } } class Piece { int id; int curspot; float cx,cy; boolean moving; Piece(int id){ curspot = = id; } void draw(){ float x = spotToXcoord(curspot)*PIECESIZE; float y = spotToYcoord(curspot)*PIECESIZE; //println("draw "+id+" at curspot "+curspot+" at "+x+":"+y); if(moving){ x = cx; y = cy; } if(isWin() || id != BLANKID){ PImage img = buf.get( (int)(spotToXcoord(id)*PIECESIZE),(int)(spotToYcoord(id)*PIECESIZE),(int)PIECESIZE,(int)PIECESIZE); image(img,x,y); noFill(); stroke(0); strokeWeight(2); rect(x,y,PIECESIZE,PIECESIZE); } } } int spotToXcoord(int s){ return s % 3; } int spotToYcoord(int s){ return floor(s / 3); } class Star{ float x,y,SIZE; Star(float x, float y, float pSIZE){ this.x = x; this.y = y; this.SIZE = pSIZE; } float angle = .9;//PI/4; void draw(){ angle+=.01; // angle = mouseX / 250.0; // println(angle); buf.pushMatrix(); buf.translate(x,y); buf.noStroke(0); buf.beginShape(); buf.vertex(cos(angle) * SIZE, sin(angle)*SIZE); buf.vertex(cos(angle + TWO_PI*.4) * SIZE, sin(angle+ TWO_PI*.4)*SIZE); buf.vertex(cos(angle + TWO_PI*.8) * SIZE, sin(angle+ TWO_PI*.8)*SIZE); buf.vertex(cos(angle + TWO_PI*.2) * SIZE, sin(angle+ TWO_PI*.2)*SIZE); buf.vertex(cos(angle + TWO_PI*.6) * SIZE, sin(angle+ TWO_PI*.6)*SIZE); buf.endShape(CLOSE); buf.popMatrix(); } } Star s = new Star(200,50,30); Star sb = new Star(200,50,40); void drawScene(){ buf.beginDraw(); buf.background(255); boolean win = isWin(); t1.draw(); t2.draw(); if(win){ buf.fill(0); sb.draw(); buf.fill(250,250,30);buf.noStroke(); s.draw(); } buf.endDraw(); } boolean isWin(){ if(moving != null || shuffleToDo > 0) return false; Iterator i = pieces.iterator(); while(i.hasNext()){ Piece p = (Piece); if( != p.curspot){ return false; } } return true; }